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Chiropractic involves the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the joints, muscles and nerves. Chiropractors consider the entire physical and emotional well-being of each individual patient and tailor the treatment according to the patient's specific needs.
Chiropractic is beneficial to people of all ages, from new-born to elderly, including expectant mothers! A variety of techniques are used, with the aim being to reduce pain, increase mobility and improve function. This includes low-force manipulation of the spine, manual treatment of the muscles and advice on therapeutic exercises.
Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT):
SOT is a branch of Chiropractic based on the principle that the occiput (back of the skull) and the sacrum (base of the spine) move in a reciprocal fashion. The aim of SOT is to normalise the motion between these two areas, thus optimising the motion of the rest of the spine and the nerve supply from the spinal cord to the muscles and organs. This gets to the root of the problem and helps to eliminate any associated symptoms and compensatory movements you may have made as a result.

Adjustments (the "clicking"):
Adjustments involve specific manipulation of a joint, resulting in a "click". This is simply caused by the release of air bubbles in the fluid around the joint. The adjustment increases motion and releases endorphins to the area, which reduces the pain.